Happy Valentines Day! Today is also Derricks Birthday! So any of you that want to call him today and wish him a happy birthday he would probably be thrilled! Well I won't be blogging tomorrow I took the day off. Funny thing is I had to beg Scott Wesley for a whole day off the dumb shit thinks he can't live without me! Damn I am not even married to him! ha-ha He wanted to give me only a 1/2 a day and then he wanted reasons for why I wanted to be gone! I told him noneya!!!! I am actually taking the day to get my nails done, vaccuum out my car for the trip, gas it up, pack my suit case, go to dance and the best part..... screw the shit out of Tim before he goes to work!!! Ha-ha I never leave town without making sure my man will have something to think about in my absence! Ain't love grand! Hope you all have a great day and great weekend! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob: "If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts."
Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!!
Love Ya!
Happy Heart Day to everyone!!!!!
You all are very special to me and I am very thankful to have you all be a part of my life. Like our good friend Forest says: "Life is like a box of chocolates", and I love my box of chocolates. Quite the mixture of flavors, and I love every single one of them. Too bad I really don't like chocolate. I guess that is good for all of you. I love you, but I will not eat you. Although, I might lick you if I'm drunk.Ha!
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