Today is Tim & I's 20th Anniversary! Wow 20 years! Tim and I have been through some very good times, some very bad times, and then more very good times! The good times are frosting on the cake but the bad times have made us the couple we are today. I know that sounds strange but it is true I don't think with out the bad times we would be the strong couple we are today. So am I thankful for the bad times as well? YES.... I still remember the day Tim asked me to marry him. I told you how the ring came about in a past blog but I don't think I have told you about him asking me. We were on the mountain in his 57 Chevy Bel Air Coupe listening to the Honey Drippers. Remember them they came out in the 80's with some old songs? Do you remember when we met that is the day I knew you were my pet, I wanna tell you how much I love you...... I still hear it in my head I am one of those people with certain songs it will bring back a memory so vivid I feel that moment. So we are sitting in his car on the mountain listening to a love song when he slipped the ring on my finger and asked me. He even had a beautiful bottle of wine. Well the bottle was beautiful the wine tasted like shit!!!!! I still have the bottle to this day. The beauty of the bottle is the memory I will savor! ha-ha. So after he proposed it was a wirlwind of six months to plan the wedding of our dreams. February 13th 1988 was a beautiful day no wind and the sun was shinning beautifully for our one o'clock wedding. I wore the most beautiful white wedding gown and Tim was in a white tux with tails and all. The only thing I wished I could change of that day is that all the friends I have acquired later in life were there. Our wedding day still sits vividly in my mind and I love to look at our Wedding Album on occasion.
Tim I love you honey. Happy Anniversary! If you asked me again today I would still say YES....
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you nor does a night go by that I don't dream of you. You are my heart, my soul, my everything....
Thought for the day:
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." - Matthew 21:22
Congrats Tim and Michelle,
20 years, WOW! That is so wonderful. I love you guys.
I can't wait to get my ass up there as well, and I hope you won't hurt me to bad! :)
Love ya!
Ha- ha Thanks. We won't hurt you but I think Blue Genie is afraid she might LOL!!!! Love ya back!
I don't know, I'm pretty tough and I can handle quite a bit! But I'd love to try to party with you wild crowd and see how long I can last!
This is Tim's reply from my blog today.... It made me cry and I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it because these words will be cherished. Am I married to the most wonderful man? Yes I am!
Thanks Michelle. I Love You with all of my soul The day you said yes to my proposal was the best day of my life! You have been there for the best and worst days of my life (and always stood by me with no complaint). I can't wait
for the next 25!!! I Love You Michelle Garrett.
a wonderful man? Yes! A wonderful heart, a wonderful smile, wonderful words, and a wonderful ASS!!! It takes two great people to make it work or not work and you two are one of the best teams ever!!! Happy anniversary to both of you, I love you guys so much!!! CONGRATS! p.s. I am not afraid that I'll hurt Kelli, I thought that she might be afraid ;-)
You know it takes a lot to scare me! Ha ha! I can't wait to meet you guys in person! And party with the rowdiest bunch in Casper!
Love ya,
Congratulations to both of you. You are both awesome and the love between the two of you is priceless. I love you both bunches and bunches.
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