Happy Friday!!!!! Well last night Sean & Birdie came over to play
Wii. We knew Sean would be hilarious playing the
Wii! He lived up to our
expectations that is for sure! Sean is so animated to begin with that when he played
Wii we just died laughing. We started out with bowling and Sean threw his bowling ball backwards so many times the
Mii's were almost killed! ha-ha Leave it to
Seany. Now Sean kicked some serious ass in
Wii tennis though! Now Sean is on a mission he has to have a
Wii even if he has to drive to
Glenrock! I am sure he will have a
Wii by tonight. Well kids I put the challenge out there and Billy "O" said she was going to kick my ass in boxing, by the way I am undefeated in boxing! My back and arms might hurt from all my boxing matches but I will still take you DOWN Billy "O"! Billy "O" tried to slow me down by bringing me cheddar
biscuits from Red Lobster but she still won't damage my game! I told her not to eat too many of those cheddar
biscuits it might slow her up so she thought she would use that tactic against me! We will see girlie can you take down the boxing champion????? I think NOT! So we need a plan. Bobbie can only come over tonight because she will be painting tomorrow and Birdie wants to do it tomorrow night because she has CPR for 8 hours tomorrow so
hmmmmm what night should we do it? I will see what I can come up with. Love all around!

Thought for the day
"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision."
well, DD is at home today and i just called her and she said "CHALLENGE TAKEN" for both nights if that is the way it goes down. She said she'd kick your ass both nights Mish! I can't wait to see this :-) Sounds like you all had a lot of fun last night! Missing all of you!
We will see how she is at boxing! DD will be so pleased with my song in my head selection today. ;0). Hey are you my anonymous comment on Under Pressure? Miss you I will call you later and make our plans! Love ya! *hug*
We were commenting on the song selection of day ourselves! ;-) HaHaHa! I am not your anonymous commenter...are you kidding? Why wouldn't I want EVERYONE to hear all the stupid shit that comes out of me?
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