Hey all I missed you guys too! I am back at work today and I can imagine the catch up will keep me very busy for at least a week! I will try to get to the pics tonight so I can post them. I hope you all had a splendid New Years Eve! I wished I could of spent it with each and every one of you. I had a very nice dinner with Bobbie & Steve who invited us out and Launa & Mark joined us as well. We went to the Goose Egg Inn. Bobbie was exhausted from moving all day so they went home after dinner and Launa and Mark came over to the house and played cards until midnight. Dd & Kelly got tired on waiting for us and went to bed! Ha-ha! Theresa got stuck in Las Vegas last night because of flight cancellations and she won't be home until tonight sometime. So when we get the gang all back and settled down from the Holiday's we will all go out! Sorry not a long blog today but geez the amount of work I will be doing today I am sure I won't be able to think straight! Love all around. I promise I will get back on track with my thought for the day and song of the day when things settle back to normal! What is normal anyway?
NORMAL is BORING!!!! None of us are normal, that is why we all get along so well. Love ya, and good luck at work this week.
Thanks I know I don't hang around anyone that would be considered "Normal" that is for sure it would bore me! ha-ha.
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