Hey all it is Friday again. I just love Friday's I wake up thinking it is the last day of work for the week, I have dance today, and I get to sleep into tomorrow, and last but not least what kind of fun am I going to find this weekend!!!! Well tomorrow should be fun Theresa, her girls, her mother and I are going to do a little dress shopping. We have to see what Wedding dress's are available in Casper. We are just about 5 months away from the big day so we need to get busy! I colored Theresa's hair last night and she went brown with a hint of red and she looks HOT! She even trusted me to trim her hair, what a brave girl huh!?! Hope it curled okay this morning! After hair coloring and trimming we all had a nice dinner and played a game of Wii bowling. Boy Seany we certainly kicked your little Wii ass! Well you will all be glad to know it was just about $200.00 to fixed my peppermint stick pole damage on my car not bad huh? I was certainly happy with that out come I was thinking it was going to be a lot more! So my little Beep (that is what I call it) will be back to pristine status after Timothy puts the new bumper panel on! Shelly wanted me to warn all of you about an incident that happened to her yesterday. She apparently got a call from an Iraqi needing money and was asking for all her private information and account numbers. She did call the police but how do you catch people like that? So she wants you to be aware of the new scam and my suggestion to all of you is don't answer a call that you don't recognize the number if it is important they will leave you a voice mail and you can call them back. So here is to a great weekend! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Dear Lord,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death.
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death.
I love Fridays too!! I bet Theresa'a hair looks great! I am sure you will all have fun shopping for wedding dresses. DD and I will be doing some shopping of our own...vaccum shopping, refrigerator shopping, and paint shopping. Not as fun as wedding dresses but I am kinda excited about it. You all take care this weekend and have fun! Don't forget to call us, we may need a break from all the work we have to do!
I will call you and the excitement for shopping for a new house is great. I am so happy for you both and can hardly wait for the open house party we are going to throw! Love ya girls!
Sounds like a fun weekend all around! I'm sure her hair looks great! Have fun!
Love ya,
She great on my hair. She has so many hidden talents. I can't wait to go shopping Michelle. We are going to have a blast. Girls I have like three extra vaccuums if you don't want to go to the expense of buying one. let me know. love you all
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