Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 23 of the 24 day challange!

Hi Peeps, day 23 of my 24 day challenge.  I have lost 12 pounds and shed a lot of inches.  I am proud of what I achieved and will continue down the road until all I want gone is gone.  This is the best diet I have been on.  I feel great!  I read a lot now about healthy foods, healthy snacks, foods that help your metabolism, and foods that burn fat.  I ran across this article, what 200 calories look life with some of your favorite candy.  I thought I would pass it on. Great article when Halloween is just around the corner. 


I was telling my husband I have lost a bag of potato's lol and while standing in the check out lane at the grocery store, I realized the cat litter was 10 lbs. so I handed the bag to Tim and I said hold this.  I told him that is a lil less then what I have lost so far.  In my mind at first I was like 10 lbs. isn't much but hold a bag of potato's or litter like I did and you will realize that weight you were carrying around it is more significant then you think. 

I hope everyone had a great weekend, I can't believe the weather has been so great.  I enjoyed lunch this Saturday with Denise, Gary, Michael, Kim and Mike.  We finally got a wedding gift to the newly weds.  I remember when Kim thought this would never happen for her so I silently lean back and smile and think life is good!  I told her it will happen when you least expect it.  As they say don't worry about tomorrow it shall worry about itself.  Funny lil story though the first time I met Mike, I leaned over to Kim and said you will marry him.  Sometimes I love my six sense!  I wish all the happiness in the world to Kim and Mike.  As I wish for all my friends, I hope you find your Tim. 

Wishing you all a good day! 

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