Before I get started on today's blog I must say Thank you Theresa for your comment and hell I forgot your apparently... I think most of us know Theresa's apparently... but hell here it goes. Apparently... After 9 beers I can do the most amazing bar room Olympics! Oh yes you can baby girl, I have scored you a 10 on a couple of occasions! I don't know if it was the Olympic skills you showed or not spilling your beer when you did them? hmmmm.
Sooooo yesterday about 4:30 my cell phone lights up and I am thinking who would be calling me and since my cell phone doesn't work in this metal building at my work I had to let it go to voice mail. I see it is from Denise so I listen to my voice mail right away, but she didn't leave a message instead all I hear her doing is talking to someone else, but just as I was done with that here comes the text Help Me. So I texted back what? She texts back Help, I text where are you, she texts the Sanbar help me! So then I text do you need a ride? I get ty back. LOL So I leave work early to see what kinda trouble my lil Denise is in. When I walk into the Sandbar there is like 4 men at the bar and NO Denise so I ask Tami if she has seen a lil blonde running around and she says ohhhhhhhhh you must be her ride and laughs. She then proceeds to apologize to me because of the amount of shots she has fed her through out the day, and directs me to the patio area. Where yep there is Denise and Trina hammered off their ass's! Apparently Denise went to lunch and well she didn't leave until Dinner time with me! So I pick up pickled Denise (thanks Gary for that term) and head to her house and ya we all know Denise once she starts partying she gets hyped up and wants to do more so I call Kimmie and Tim and tell them I will be picking them up. We all head to Butch's and proceed to have a few and then decide we better all get home since I am DD and well you know me I had a few and no eating so maybe not the best DD but hell I am feeling fine and confident! So we drop the pickled Denise at home and as she is exiting my jeep she is really appreciative of the song playing on my ipod, Dancing With Myself, and as she is Dancing with herself head butt's Gary's truck door so Kimmie thinks it is best to walk Denise to the front door. So that is what started the giggles between Kim and I. We proceed to take Kim home, Kim is up front with me and Tim is in back doing his usual back seat driving, when we come up to a sign that says NO DRIVE THRU TRAFFIC. FUCK right? So I thought ok then I will turn right and use the next street but when I get to the end of that street they have the whole damn thing coned off! So instead of backing down the street and figuring out where it is I am allowed to drive thru I tell my passengers to hang on! Of course the back seat driver I won't mention his name is telling me I am a dip shit and to back up but nope I am gonna plow that fuckin cone over! So Kim and I are laughing hysterically as I turn the corner dragging that cone thinking to myself it looks like a candy corn and pull to the side and stop. At this time I think it would be best if the back seat driver gets out and gets the damn cone from under my car and at the same time he is telling me I am not getting out to get that cone Dip Shit, Kim and I notice the cone is still at the front of my car. So laughing our ass's off I back the jeep up and dump that damn cone and drive Kimmie home safe and sound. I am telling you I laughed until I went to bed and Kim and I kept texting eachother back and forth calling eachother cone heads and I think it ended with Kim cracking herself up so much she might of pee'd her pants! Well probably not it wasn't meant to take literal I am sure! LOL So Hey DD not designated driver but Dorthea Darlene, now I have hit a candy cane striped pole and ran over a candy corn cone! Oh and both times this has happened in the month of October!!!! If you all don't know the candy striped pole story then I guess you best get busy and read my old blogs!!!!! Love all around!
thank you thank you! I crack myself up daily so that is why if right this blog ha! lol
write not right omg I am so dingy sometimes
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