Sorry all I have been so busy...... Had a good weekend Tim and I got all the riding we could possibly squeeze in because the weather is going down hill. Thursday we went on our last poker run for a while. We did a charity run it was a really good time. Brookie finally after the third time passed her driving test so wooooo hooooo I have both my girls driving now. Helps a lot with my busy schedule. Work has been crazy. I am off this afternoon to be in a commercial. Too be honest I am not overly thrilled but am very flattered that I was asked. I will be in a commercial for a beauty salon that Susie works for. Susie got a new job at a beautiful salon because of my hair. Can't beat that! I wished I had more time to blog today but I will try to make it up tomorrow. Love all around!
This Blog is solely created for fun and enjoyment. I don't claim to be a good writer or editor for that fact, but hell I love my life and like to write about it! Within this blog you will read about my life and about the joy my beautiful friends & family bring me when they are on a journey with me, so buckle up and let's ride that ride! Life is GOOD. So like I say Live, Laugh and Love!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hail Angel....
First off today my Brookie turned 16! She is very upset she didn't pass her driving test. So she has to retake it tomorrow. So that started her day off bad. So hopefully she gets over that and has a better day. Well Thursday we had a great ride and ended up at TJ's for dinner. The service was slow but the food was good. But I will never trust them with a tab again. We got charged for double the amount of drinks we actually ordered. We paid the ticket and I will never be back again! Friday night we went on a poker run. I ended up winning high dice and Tim the low dice. So that was fun. Saturday the weather was totally awesome! Tim and I rode most of the day and went by and saw Sean. Sean is doing awesome he always has such a positive out look on life! Sunday we went to watch the game at the Moony. During the game you get a ticket for each drink you buy to win a trip to Las Vegas so yes..... I got drunk. And No...... didn't win the trip. So when we got all the hell Kim and I ran out and made Hail angels. LOL shit I was soaked! The next day I picked my jeans off the floor and they were still soaking wet. But hell we had fun! Well work is killing me so I better get back to it! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thunder Thursday!
Good Morning Peeps. Will Sean is still in the hospital he had a lot more bleeding then they thought so please keep him in your prayers. He will be coming home on Friday. Tonight we finally get to ride again! The last two weeks we haven't gone because they haven't had them so I am really looking forward to tonight! Next Thursday is a poker run on our ride and then we are meeting out at Gigs hopefully some of you would like to meet us out there for music food and fun! Last night I was watching the Jay Leno show and I saw something really funny it reminded me of something DD & Kelly would do. It is called ghosting. These two guys would take turns ghosting someone and the other would time him until he got caught. What is ghosting? LOL it is when you walk behind someone as close as possible using their same stride and mannerisms. It was fuckin hilarious. I could so see us getting drunk and doing that shit! I will see if later if maybe they have a clip of these to guys to put on my blog. Well peeps not much to write about today so I guess back to work with my ass! Love all around!
Thought for the day.
I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, but I call them my friends
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good Morning. Well I had a great weekend! Let's see.... Friday night I got a text from my lil Blue Genie "want to have a drink?". Well hell ya you don't have to ask me twice! So we went to the Moony. As I was waiting for the girls to arrive, Bradley asked me over and asked me who did my hair. I told him Susie. He was like well call her now she is hired at my salon. I was like really just off my hair? Wow amazing. So my lil miss Susie Q got a job at a premier salon based off the fabulous job she does on my hair! Woooo hooooo can't beat that shit. He said he wanted edgy in his salon and well as you all know I don't quite wear my hair like a normal woman! So that was a good start to the night. Then the girls arrived and we all had some drinks threw some darts and even had a road trip. Road Trip? Well..... my friend an ex stripper was having drinks with us when her son called and she had locked him out of the house. So we decided to go with her to check out her stripper pole in her living room. Now this girl knows pole tricks and hell I am game I want to learn. Boy that shit looks a hell of a lot easier then it is! Damn it takes some strength to do that shit! So after playing with that for a very short time, we went home my Timothy Wayne was hammered! Saturday I went to have my hair done and Tim & Kim went to the Moon to watch the WY game. I came down after I was done. So we ended up having a good afternoon down there. It was nice visiting with Launa her last time I would see her behind the bar at my favorite bar. I am very sad that Launa is leaving even though I understand her reasoning's. The Moonlight will never be the same when I walk in on a Thursday night. Launa you will be so truly missed! Sunday I got my nails done and took it easy. Shit the last few weekends we have been partying and being wild and I was just plain worn out! Even party girls need some down time! LOL So that was my weekend in a whole. So Seany is having surgery on Wednesday so please everyone keep him in your thoughts and close to your heart. I hope all of you are doing well and had a good weekend. We need to get a weekend together and have a plan so we can have all of us together at once. I miss those times..... Like Hey Paula, where in the hell have you been???? Sheesh girl stop traveling and come out with us! We miss you! Love all around! smooches!
Thought for the day....
I've learned that it is not what you wear; it is how you take it off!
Friday, September 11, 2009
The ORBS did it.....
I was texting Birdie last night and she said "Hey I asked DD if you guys partied at the bar with the orbs?". I don't recall if I told the story about the orbs or not so hell here it is.... Last time we were at Saloon 10 was my Birthday. Birdie and I were looking for a table for all of us to sit when we were standing by a table with one man who happened to ask Birdie to dance. When they came back he let us join his table. At first the guy was really nice hmmm we will get back on that. So anyway Birdie is getting ready to take a pic and DD and I are smoking the smoke was billowing up between us right in front of Theresa's lens. She snaps the shot of our new found friend, Tim and Sean and then looks at it. She turns a shade of pale and says "I am not taking anymore pictures!". I said "why?". She tells me to look there are orbs all over in the photo and then tells me see there are ghosts in here! We tried to tell her that was smoke from our cigarette's but I am not sure still if she buys that. So I told her that she is probably right about the orbs because they were butt dialing on Tim's phone! So now we have a explanation to how Tim's phone got unlocked and then dialed DD, it was the orbs! Back to our new found friend now. At first he was nice telling us he was married met his 3rd wife I think in that very bar and seemed he was a gentleman that is until he found it was my birthday and proceeded to stick his tongue in my fuckin ear and lick all over my outside of my ear. I think it took two napkins to clean up that ewwwwy mess! So after that I went into bitch mode and just ignored the fucker. Anyone that knows me knows I don't like to be fucking touched or for someone to be in my personal bubble unless you know me and know me well. After that incident he kept asking Kelly to dance she would deny him every time and when he got close to her she would turn her head most people would get the back off look. Then a drink got spilled on DD so she went back to her room to change her jeans since the spill was in a very, very bad spot. When DD left let's just say Mister Pervie had ideas for Kelly that got shot down very quickly! Theresa let the perv have it and told him she lost respect for him and he should not act that way when he is married the asshole had the nerve to tell her his wife wasn't there. CREEPY MOOOBEEEPY! As we were standing outside the bar that the end of the night waiting for DD to get rounded up out of the bar, mister creepy came out and licked the entire back of my neck to say goodbye. Man some men just have gigantic balls! So ewwww anyway, there is the orbs and more story! Love all around! Have a great weekend and be safe!
Thought for the day.....
I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
DD playing the instrument and the lady from the band! Good Times!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Almost the end of the week.....

Well started back at my work out class last night, fuck that did me in! Had a week off and we got a new teacher and she tried to kill me! So I was out by 8:30! Loved the pics DD posted on her facebook. I need to learn how to post photo's on there I am still facebook retarded! Don't know if we are riding tonight or not but if not I am going to take it easy and relax at home. I have been really tired of late, probably from all the damn fun I had! Well all love all around!
Thought for the day:
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Still on Rewind......

LOL yes Kelly I didn't fit in all our stories I needed some other things to blog about. Everyone that read the comments is like what???? Butt dialing and saw dust angels??? WTF? We started at our first table that we previously partied at on my birthday thinking hell we had fun at this table before. When we first arrived Tim said "hey someone is getting a call.". It was DD's phone and she looks at it and points at Tim and says it is you! Tim looks at her dumbfounded as DD answers her phone and says "Hi, Tim!". Tim in turn pulls his phone out of his pocket and says "How in the hell did it do that????". He actually butt dialed! His phone is a touch screen but he still couldn't figure out how in the hell his ass unlocked the phone and then actually went to contacts and called DD. WTF? Of course you all know the Verizon commercial where the guy is butt dialing his girlfriend and then he announces "My butt just hung up on you!". So we all were laughing and then began to laugh even harder when we realized that none of us had any service! So when I went to send a text and I had no service to send a message I thought well Tim's ass has service so I held my phone by Tim's butt and sure shit it sent the message. Magical ass my man has! We watched the Wild Bill Hickok's death reenactment, and then we took a vote cause Kelly and I really wanted to move up closer to the stage so of course we raised our hands and we figured our two votes was enough to move. DD had set in her mind she wanted the high top table so we gave her, her way for a little bit any way because after Tim butt dialed her yet again Kelly and decided to vote again cause us two shorties wanted to sit at a regular table. So the vote happened and we moved putting us right in front of the stage and the dance floor! Tim's ass never dialed DD's phone again that night but each time I wanted to send a message I had to hold my phone by his ass to dial out! (DD needs to send me the pic of me using Tim's ass to dial out lol) Funny how his ass was the only place to get good service. When we first arrived I noticed the new sawdust poured on the floor and I was trying to talk Kelly into doing a sawdust angel. She just wouldn't budge and I just knew my instigating skills wouldn't work on DD she hadn't had enough to drink at that time. So I let it go until we got to our third table and Kelly helped instigate the subject again and low and behold Tim got up and made that damn saw dust angel! He did it so quickly we didn't get pictures of him doing it but we have a picture of his angel. Of course then as we proudly starred at his creation with pride Kelly got down and fixed it to make it more predominate and added a halo. The angel lasted on the floor over an hour until a dick head security guy pulled a table across it and ruined our art. I hope to have some more pics to share I need to download off my camera and have DD do the same and email me. Wish all of you could of joined us for a great time! Love all around!
Big Fuckin Slot Machine!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Back it up rewind......
First off Happy Birthday to my daughter, Randi she turned 17 today! Wow 17 I am starting to feel old lol. Okay so I haven't blogged for a while. I took some time off of work so in order to do that I had to be really, really caught up sooooo that meant no blogging. So let's see what have we missed....... Let's rewind a bit. The weekend before the one that just passed let us go back to that weekend. Well Saturday we went and threw darts and Kim came and joined us. Then when Launa got off she joined us as well. We had a great time throwing darts we hadn't done that for so long I can hardly wait until this winter so we can all get together and do this some more. Well as it got later Tressa came in and threw with us too, she said she had to go to work and asked us to come out to the Beacon where she works. Soooo that is just what we did Kim, Tim and me headed for the Beacon. Scott and Preston a guy I work with joined us later. We had a great time dancing and drinking. Then I looked at Kim and she told me she was fucked up! I thought a good time to go home then. Kimmy was the most trashed I have ever seen she was so cute. Tim and I helped stand her up and got her to the car and Tim sat her in the front and he sat in the back they were both gone! Kim took forever to get the seat belt on and was as happy as a child when she did. When we got Kimmy to her house it took her a few minutes to find the door handle especially when she realized it wasn't on the window! She laughed all the way up to her front door and I was surprised when she got her key in and opened easily but then when she reached to get her screen door shut she ended up pulling her self off the patio did a somersault on the lawn and was laughing hysterically. She ended up laughing so hard at herself she just laid in the lawn for a while just cracking herself up. Well she cracked me up as well and for Tim well lets just say he wasn't seeing much. She did finally get in the house and I told her thanks for the blog story! lol I know that Birdie was glad to add someone else to the bar Olympics team! So lets forward into the following week. I have 4 weeks of vacation a year and we were just notified we can only carry over a week of it each year so use it or lose it. So I decided I would make my Labor Day weekend 5 days long and do some house work. So Thursday and Friday I busted my ass cleaning really good even taking apart the fridge, cleaning blinds and things of that sort. Friday I cleaned my carpets and enjoyed DD's company for a bit helping me set up a face book that she has been dying for me to do. Thursday night I enjoyed meeting all of my friends out to dinner and drinks it was a nice time and even though none of us could stay very long it was nice seeing everyone. I would like to have all of you pray for our Seany he is having surgery the 16th of this month and he could use all of our love and support. Saturday around 2 Kimmy called and asked us down for a drink. We had nothing going on and thought hell why not we were bored. So we went down there and after several drinks Tim thought it sounded good to leave for Deadwood on Sunday and just go down to party in Saloon 10. Not to gamble just to go for the bike ride and to party. So Antonio got on the phone and found us hotel numbers to see if we could get a last minute room, and I texted DD & Kelly and said hey wanna go party at Saloon 10? I was shocked when they texted back and said let's go! So we left around noonish on Sunday and had a beautiful ride all the way to Deadwood. When we got there we freshened up and then went to eat. After we ate we went and did oyster shots for Kim, since it didn't work out for her to go with us. :( We sent her pics though! Then we went to put $20.00 in my favorite winning penny machine. Tim told Kelly if I double my money to make me pull it out! Well I did that in the first few seconds and I pushed that button three more times before I minded Kelly and pulled out my 49.18. Kelly says see you could of had 54.00 if you would of pulled out when I said. LOL Her and Tim are so much alike! Love it! Then we were off to our Saloon 10 to get the best seats. We figured being there at 7 would get us the best seats in the house. And sure shit after we saw the reenactment of the famous deadman's poker hand we got the front table right next to the dance floor. The motto of Saloon 10 is "Saloon 10 where you can get a stiff one!". That is no shit they are strong ass drinks! When we first saw the band members come in we were like great a fuckin jazz band. We watched the harmonica and a sax come out and then the woman came out wearing a nice dress we all were thinking hmmmmmm we might have to find another place to party. Then the show started and HOLY SHIT was it good! That woman danced and they put on one hell of a show. We even bought the CD! The were fun, funny and got the crowd partying. They even did The Blue's Brothers. At one point they came around the audience and gave out instruments and the singer made sure our table got one. DD & Kelly picked out an instrument and boy did DD play the hell out of it she impressed the band big time. Don't know what the instrument is called but it had drum sticks and she played it and the table she was a damn ROCKSTAR!!!!! We have some pics of the whole night we need to get them downloaded and DD needs to send me some of hers. We have a good picture how we got DD rounded up to go home from the bar this time! LOL ;) We had an absolute grand ole time. Last minute trips sure turn out good! Wished everyone could of joined us, so we will have to plan another one where everyone can come too! Pictures will come soon! Love all around! smooches!
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