Hello all! Man am I tired! Last night Tim and decided to go to the Moony for dinner and split a burger. I tell you they have the best burgers! Well after the burger we decided we could sit at the bar and have a couple of drinks make it home by 8 and sit on the couch. Well...... Dorie showed up and wanted us to meet the guy she has been seeing which happens to be the brother of the woman that pulled Dorie's hair out. So since she was nervous we stayed because he was to be escorting by her and her boyfriend which is the ass that started the whole hair pulling incident. Well with that being said and not going into long winded detail the infamous hair puller apologized to Dorie and we all ended up having a good time and coming home much too late!!!!! And of course when I have been drinking do I go to sleep once I get home? hmmmmmm hell no so now I am tired lol. Well Dorie's new love interest is a Marky Mark. He looks like him is built like him and he doesn't dance half bad. So Dorie we approve LOL. (as if she cares lol) Well love all around!
Thought for the day:
Always try to give someone the benefit of the doubt
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