I had the most horrible day yesterday. Went to go get my Jeep and I get in there is an envelope with my Jeep emblem in it so I go in and ask if they are by chance going to put that back on. They have a couple more parts on order so yes it will get put back on. I go out again to get ready to leave and NOW my fucking check engine light is on. So I go back in and tell them when I brought this in the check engine light was not on so did you forget to hook something back up? Well my ride has left by this time they hook my car up and when they took it apart it broke the temperature sensor. Well funny thing about that my car did not come with the capability of telling me the temperature outside because I did not buy the loaded Jeep. So I have to call work and get someone to pick me up which took an hour for that to happen. In the meantime they thought they could have the sensor and put in before close, well on my way home in the big company truck they call me telling me well the dealer gave us the wrong sensor so it will be tomorrow before you can have your vehicle. Shit by this time it has been the day from HELL so I wasn't surprised! Also when I go to sign over the insurance check the dumb fucking insurance company wrote it to Tim, me, and the fucking lending company! How in the hell are we to go to Chrysler to have them sign off on a check. How dumb is that???? Never heard of such a thing. Then to top everything off my Mother calls me when I finally get back to work I am in the middle of month end and my cell phone is ringing and she is on the business phone chewing my ass over smoking!!!! So yesterday was just not one of my best days. So since I don't ever really complain to my friends about my problems I am happy to have this blog to bitch away. LOL So today has just got to be better! Love all around!
Thought for the day:Take a deep breath and release!!!!!!!!
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