Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hump Day!

Well I made it to the middle of this drug out boring week! Sheesh winter I am sick of it and bored with being inside all the time! Today I get to go to lunch with Launa wow it has been a while. We use to get to go at least once a week but now that she has been on grandma duty we haven't been able too! Weird calling Launa a grandma that girl doesn't look old enough to be a grandma! So how are all or you? Is anyone else dying for summer to arrive like me? Winter tends to make me depressed and seeing the last two weekends I have stayed home I think I am starting to feel boredom setting in. Hmmmmm I think I need constantly entertained! Well peeps love all around!
Thought for the day:
"No woman will ever be truly satisfied because no man will ever have a chocolate penis that ejaculates money."

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