I forgot yesterday! Went out for a bit on Tuesday night had a really good time! Was just Tim & I and then Shelly and Tommy happened to be there so we sat visiting with them and then Theresa and John John showed up. So we enjoyed a good visit and some good laughs. Everyone Theresa our little birdie needs our prayers and support. Her father is ill. So please text her, email her and keep her in your prayers. Theresa is very close to her Mom & Dad and she really needs us there for her now. Birdie baby we love you! Well peeps not much going on for me ran my ass off last night and now my legs feel like they could fall off! The shit I do to stay fit! Do you think it is working? Legs of steel belly of jello hmmmmm too bad it didn't take my gut to run the way I do! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
If he brings you to it he will bring you through it!