Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday again?

Hi all! Really busy at work this week since I only have a three day week. Had a relaxing weeking and enjoyed my visit with Bobbie. I had to work Saturday night so we didn't do much but hang around the house. Friday afternoon I was off to get my nails & hair done I had to get that fit in since I am leaving Thursday afternoon for Colorado with Paula. I hope all of you had a great weekend. Birdie how was Colorado? Billy "O" you little hyper nut. I got your long winded hyper voice message LOL! You crack me up. I didn't answer the phone cause I was sleeping on the couch I was tired after cleaning a good part of my day. And then when you called me Tim and I had been in bed since 9 pm so I probably didn't make any sense to you because I was dead asleep so I really don't remember much of our convo! You goof. I love ya! Well all got to get back to it. Love all around! The thought for the day I found in a magazine and tore it out it was so odd to find how I live in writing like that. It said it so perfectly.
Thought for the day:
"People who learn to forgive become less angry, more hopeful, less anxious, less stressed, and more confident. They even learn to like themselves more."

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