Skies on Fire
Why don't you hang up
Won't you back up
Will you pack up and head for higher ground
I know you And you know me
Tell me what is you want it to be
What you want to be
What you need in me
Hey, Hey, Hey
Skies on Fire
Flames burn higher
Skies on Fire
Flames get higher
I know you
Now you know me
Tell me what it is you want it to be
In the rain
In the streets Your amazed by all the things that you see
Tell me what i see
How its got to be
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Skies on Fire
Flames burn higher
Skies on Fire
Flames burn higher
Hey, Hey, Hey
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Hey you look in the sky(Skies on fire)
Look in the sky(Flames burn higher)
Skies on fire
Flames burn higher
Skies on fire
I know you and you know me
Tell me what it is you want it to be
Hey, Hey, Hey
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Skies on fire
This Blog is solely created for fun and enjoyment. I don't claim to be a good writer or editor for that fact, but hell I love my life and like to write about it! Within this blog you will read about my life and about the joy my beautiful friends & family bring me when they are on a journey with me, so buckle up and let's ride that ride! Life is GOOD. So like I say Live, Laugh and Love!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
One more day until Turkey!!!!

Good Morning my little Peeps! Tomorrow is the feast! Mmmmmmm Turkey! Last night we went by the tattoo shop to see my darling birdie and I got a glimpse of Desiree's tattoo boy is is nice! Seany was to get one too last night but I only got a pic of Dezi's. Then Tim and I stopped by to have a drink at the Moony and we ran into Dorie, Suzie, DD, & Kelly, they were all going to see the last performance of the Eli Manor Band. Eli Manor Band is Tim's childhood best friends and Julian's son. We wished we could of gone but on a work night staying out until 2 am just doesn't make me feel so good! Thanks for forwarding the pic of them DD! Hope you all had fun! Well all of you I love ya! Hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving! I will think of you all!
Thought for the day:
Live everyday like it is your last!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Count down.....
The countdown has begun. Two more days until Thanksgiving and mine and Paula's Colorado trip! I love the holiday's. I am so excited for Thanksgiving and the kick off for my Christmas shopping. Last year I didn't feel like we had Christmas since I did no Christmas shopping and we were in sunny California enjoying Disney Land! Which was awesome don't get me wrong but I feel like I haven't had Christmas in a long long time. What is all your plans for your Thanksgiving? Well love all around! Smooooooches!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday again?
Hi all! Really busy at work this week since I only have a three day week. Had a relaxing weeking and enjoyed my visit with Bobbie. I had to work Saturday night so we didn't do much but hang around the house. Friday afternoon I was off to get my nails & hair done I had to get that fit in since I am leaving Thursday afternoon for Colorado with Paula. I hope all of you had a great weekend. Birdie how was Colorado? Billy "O" you little hyper nut. I got your long winded hyper voice message LOL! You crack me up. I didn't answer the phone cause I was sleeping on the couch I was tired after cleaning a good part of my day. And then when you called me Tim and I had been in bed since 9 pm so I probably didn't make any sense to you because I was dead asleep so I really don't remember much of our convo! You goof. I love ya! Well all got to get back to it. Love all around! The thought for the day I found in a magazine and tore it out it was so odd to find how I live in writing like that. It said it so perfectly.
Thought for the day:
"People who learn to forgive become less angry, more hopeful, less anxious, less stressed, and more confident. They even learn to like themselves more."
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hi all sorry for the late blog. Was busy catching up so I can have a 1/2 day off tomorrow to get things done that need done during a week day. Well everyone I just wanted to cover something weighing on my mind...... Am I a good friend? Well when I call you a friend I try to be the best friend I can be and I try to be very acceptive of who you are. Am I a perfect friend? Hell no I know I have faults. Hell I have plenty of faults, to name a few I can be selfish, self centered, and sometimes I can be opininated. But you know something I am only human. But I know I am the type of friend you can be open with and tell me when I have hurt you. I know at times I can be cold if I feel justified in something, but most of the time I am receptive to what you are saying. I find when a friend is hurt by me I usually am not aware I have done anything until you explain that to me and give me a chance to rectify it, explain it, or flat out apologize for it. I try my hardest to never give a friend a cold shoulder or be spiteful and I always try to tell them flat out if I am upset with them and I expect that from anyone that is my friend too. Okay I am stepping off my soap box. Oh do I love being the center of attention? Absolutely so there you have it me in a nut shell. LOL if only it was that easy! I am a Gemini so you never can figure out which one of my twins you will be dealing with! But all the same I love my friends with all my heart, so if any of you have forgotten that here I am to remind you! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Never assume it will end up making an ass out of you and ass out of me.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Song in my head.....
Any Way You Want It
Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She loves to laugh
She loves to sing
She does everything
She loves to move
She loves to grove
She loves the lovin' things
Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh, baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,
Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
I was alone
I never knew
What good love could do
Ooh, then we touched
Then we sang
About the lovin' things
Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,
Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
Any Way You Want It
Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She loves to laugh
She loves to sing
She does everything
She loves to move
She loves to grove
She loves the lovin' things
Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh, baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,
Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
I was alone
I never knew
What good love could do
Ooh, then we touched
Then we sang
About the lovin' things
Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,
Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hi all. How is the start of your week? I wanted to stay in bed today! Thank goodness Thanksgiving is coming up I will get 4 days off from work! woooo hooooo! Paula and I are leaving after Thanksgiving dinner and heading to Colorado for Christmas Shopping and relaxation! Paula and I did this the year before last and had a ball! We would shop until 5 or so have a bit of dinner and then sit in the hotel lounge until we were silly and then wander back to our room and crash to do it all over again the next day! I am so looking forward to this! What are all of your Thanksgiving plans? I can't believe how fast Christmas is coming up on us! I love the holidays just think last year I was in sunny California! Wow how time flies....... Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Life is too short to hold grudges.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I wanna be a rock star!
Well I will never be a Rock Star but I will certainly party like one. Today is Scott Wesley's birthday, so everyone join me in saying Happy Birthday, Scott! Birdie's is coming up Wednesday. This weekend was a good one. Friday night we went out and met at the Moonlight and had some drinks and just chilled and then decided to go to the Beacon for some dancing. And boy did we ever! Tim and I danced almost every song I had one drink the whole time we were there and we closed the place down! Dorie, Scott, Tim and I went for breakfast afterwards and had a good time, we got home at 3:30 in the morning! Thanks to Scott and the missing keys! LOL I woke up at 7 am Saturday morning thinking damn why can't I sleep in! So shit Tim and I got up met Bobbie Jo, Tommy, Bobby and his wife for lunch at The Border. Well we accide
ntally met up with them there they just happened to be there at the same time as us but we all ended up having a few drinks all together and having a blast. Yes, for any wondering Boobs and I had a huge heart to heart and we are back to the way things should be. Then Tim and I were off to the tattoo shop to get my newest art. I think this one is my last I have no more ideas of where I would like to put one. Five is that enough? hmmmm who knows with me I change my mind like my panties. After sitting for three hours for my tattoo and having roughly 4 hours of sleep I was pretty tired but we decided to go listen for a very short time to Tommy & Bobby play out in Mills. Boob's boyfriends is an awesome guy and he is very very talented musically. Tim & I were impressed and had a good time. Then when we got home it was couch city, WOW was I tired. Sunday we got up got ready did the grocery store thing then went and met Boobs, Tommy, Bobby, & Dorie for lunch at Sidelines. Then when we found out Blue Genie & Billy "O" were at the Moony we decided to go over there. We had a great time! I have the greatest friends! Bobbie it was awesome seeing you. I am proud of you for straightening your life up and finding a man that actually treats you like you should be treated! Tommy is awesome and he treats you like a lady and lets you be you! Love that! So here is to one Hell of a weekend! Love all around!

Thought for the day:
Being spiteful is never a way to handle a disagreement.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Song in my head.....
Too Drunk.....
I hit the bottle in the morning in the summer time
I quit my job cause it gets in the way
I find a party by the ocean buy the cheapest wine
Call up my friends to waste the day
I gotta dime bag, corduroys, colored sleeves,
And a bimble and some LSD
Now I’m just looking for a girl to meet
To help me forget my name
I could spend my lifetime getting high
Never wanna live in a suit and tie
Most of us are just livin a lie
That’s why we get fucked up every night
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
I’m sorry but I have to say
I’m too drunk to fuck
Now the party was jumpin
And the girls were fine, with the lipstick summer glaze
I got so many women comin after me
I put some pussy on layaway
I was smoked out, tore up, drunk as fuck
And I wouldn’t wanna change a thing
Young and dumb and full of cum
With a sugar loaded candy cane
I could spend my lifetime getting high
Never wanna live in a suit and tie
Most of us are just livin a lie
That’s why we get fucked up every night
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
I’m sorry but I have to say
I’m too drunk to fuck ya!
I’m too drunk to fuck ya!
I can’t eat, can’t sleep, and
I’m bored as fuck
And the girl I want just walked away
She just found out I’m too drunk to fuck
It looks like I’m not getting laid
I could spend my lifetime getting high
Never wanna live in a suit and tie
Most of us are just livin a lie
That’s why we get fucked up every night
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
I’m sorry but I have to say
I’m too drunk to fuck ya!
I’m too drunk to fuck ya!
I’m too drunk to fuck ya
Somebody help me
Lord have mercy, Somebody help me
I’m can’t fucking breathe
I’m too drunk to fuck!
Too Drunk.....
I hit the bottle in the morning in the summer time
I quit my job cause it gets in the way
I find a party by the ocean buy the cheapest wine
Call up my friends to waste the day
I gotta dime bag, corduroys, colored sleeves,
And a bimble and some LSD
Now I’m just looking for a girl to meet
To help me forget my name
I could spend my lifetime getting high
Never wanna live in a suit and tie
Most of us are just livin a lie
That’s why we get fucked up every night
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
I’m sorry but I have to say
I’m too drunk to fuck
Now the party was jumpin
And the girls were fine, with the lipstick summer glaze
I got so many women comin after me
I put some pussy on layaway
I was smoked out, tore up, drunk as fuck
And I wouldn’t wanna change a thing
Young and dumb and full of cum
With a sugar loaded candy cane
I could spend my lifetime getting high
Never wanna live in a suit and tie
Most of us are just livin a lie
That’s why we get fucked up every night
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
I’m sorry but I have to say
I’m too drunk to fuck ya!
I’m too drunk to fuck ya!
I can’t eat, can’t sleep, and
I’m bored as fuck
And the girl I want just walked away
She just found out I’m too drunk to fuck
It looks like I’m not getting laid
I could spend my lifetime getting high
Never wanna live in a suit and tie
Most of us are just livin a lie
That’s why we get fucked up every night
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
Oh I’ll get drunk all day
Oh I’ll get drunk all night
I’m sorry but I have to say
I’m too drunk to fuck ya!
I’m too drunk to fuck ya!
I’m too drunk to fuck ya
Somebody help me
Lord have mercy, Somebody help me
I’m can’t fucking breathe
I’m too drunk to fuck!
Party tonight!
Hey hey gang it is Friday! Let's all meet at the Moonlight then decide from there? Tell me a time that works. We are going to have fun tonight we don't care where we end up just as long as the gang is all together! Tomorrow I get somemore ink! Totally excited! Let's hear everyone's ideas for tonight I am totally open! Let's get it on! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
Plenty of time to rest when I am dead!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ready to Party???
Wow do I have to ask? Looking forward to tomorrow night to cut loose!!!! We all want to do karoake, so tell me Billy "O" & Blue Genie is Chatters still a NO NO to you two? I am so looking forward to having our whole gang present to party like old times. So let's get a plan set in motion and go balls to the wall! Rest up because I feel a wild night coming on! NO Drama, no whinning, and no party poopers! So love all around see you tomorrow!
Thought for the day
Laughter makes the world a happier place.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Song in my head.....
I love AC/DC and if you know me well you know they are my all time favorite rock ~n~ roll band so here is another song from their new Black Ice CD.
War Machine
You put your foot to the floor
Don't need no more
You've been digging all around
While you're messing about
Better catch her name
Come on in
Gimme that thing
That thing gone wild
Make a stand show your hand
Calling a high command
Don't think just demand
I'm like a bird of prey
Better catch her name
Come on in
Gimme that thing
That thing gone wild
Better watch your back
And cover your tracks
Kick your foot through the door
Hit the deck know the score
They're taken by surprise
And here's mud in your eyes
Let's erase the name
That you should have forgove
Call of the wild
Hurry for naught
That thing gone wild
That thing gone wild
War Machine
You put your foot to the floor
Don't need no more
You've been digging all around
While you're messing about
Better catch her name
Come on in
Gimme that thing
That thing gone wild
Make a stand show your hand
Calling a high command
Don't think just demand
I'm like a bird of prey
Better catch her name
Come on in
Gimme that thing
That thing gone wild
Better watch your back
And cover your tracks
Kick your foot through the door
Hit the deck know the score
They're taken by surprise
And here's mud in your eyes
Let's erase the name
That you should have forgove
Call of the wild
Hurry for naught
That thing gone wild
That thing gone wild
Do bad girls go to Heaven?
I know this bad girl will! When I get questioned about my bad girl life I will say well HELL it was fun! I had a blast last night! Went out to have some drinks, listen to good music, and have good company. Dorie Ione I have bruises from you, you brat. LOL we were having a very naughty conversation at our table last night and as you can imagine my comments were pretty bad which in turn provoked Dorie to bit me. Not just once but twice! Geeze! Dorie I love you girlie and you got to give me credit I can make a 2 point shot with a quarter down your cleavage with ease! You know when by sweet Theresa's girls think her friends are wild I guess we got to look at and realize yes we are and damn do we have fun! I think most people at the bar watch our table for entertainment. But anyone that knows me knows I don't mind be the center of attention, and any friend I chose to have better have a little spit in em! We finally decided to go home when my perverted husband started telling his buddies nasty little things he was going to do to me when we got home and saying to everyone at the table he was going to take me home and molest me, and then Dorie falling right on her little ass between to chairs knocking them over thought that might be a good time to check out! Well all here's to good friends and good times! Hope everyone can go out Friday night! Love all around!
Thought for the day:
What is a life lived without fun?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Song in my head......
AC/DC new cd Black Ice
Anything Goes
Got a taste of a rocking band
Standing there holding out your hand
Better lock up all your doors
She's like a spinning dynamo
You're handing out the token prize
Giving you a brand new ride
Ooh there she goes she goes
And nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
Banging drums working out 'all fast'
Heavy tune I can play it loud
You know she's blowing away all the others
You're never man enough, take it on all night
You better razzle dazzle on that stage
Keep on rocking on all through the night
Ooh there she goes she goes
And nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
A heavy rocking tune is playing
Playing as the night rolls on
Sneaking off with the Romeo
Where she goes nobody knows
A heavy rocking tune is playing
On a flat screen colour tv
Sneaking over, creepy crawly
Never give it up to take it out through the night
There she goes she goesAnd nobody knows
There she goes she goesAnd nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
And nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
And nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
Anything Goes
Got a taste of a rocking band
Standing there holding out your hand
Better lock up all your doors
She's like a spinning dynamo
You're handing out the token prize
Giving you a brand new ride
Ooh there she goes she goes
And nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
Banging drums working out 'all fast'
Heavy tune I can play it loud
You know she's blowing away all the others
You're never man enough, take it on all night
You better razzle dazzle on that stage
Keep on rocking on all through the night
Ooh there she goes she goes
And nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
A heavy rocking tune is playing
Playing as the night rolls on
Sneaking off with the Romeo
Where she goes nobody knows
A heavy rocking tune is playing
On a flat screen colour tv
Sneaking over, creepy crawly
Never give it up to take it out through the night
There she goes she goesAnd nobody knows
There she goes she goesAnd nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
And nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
And nobody knows
Where she goes she goes
Sorry everyone for not blogging. I have been slammed at work!!!!! The Concert rocked I can hardly wait to see Buckcherry again! Thursday night we went and watched the game at the Moonlight. I found my new team! The Browns! Have you seen their fucking quarter back? Brady is fucking HOT! I will watch football from now just to see his fine ass! Friday night we relaxed at home and then Saturday had to do Coed. Sunday was Tim's grandmothers 80th birthday!!!! Wow huh! Don't think with my lifestyle I will make to 80 but woooo hoooo for her! Well Friday night we have no kids hmmmmmm what should we do? I feel like painting the town red wonder if my better half does????? Love all around!
Thought for the day:
If it seems to good to be true it probably is!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What a Hell of a Concert!!!
Well Buckcherry didn't disappoint me at all! That concert was awesome!!!!! I had a great time! It has been about 9 years since I have gone to a concert! Last concert I went to was Def Leppard. Of course Crazy Bitch was the last song he played and boy was it good! The pictures I took with my phone sucked can't even tell what they were! Damn! The night started out with drinks at the Moonlight and then heading to the concert. We ended up with an extra ticket that we had to sell last minute so we didn't get to the event center unil 7 and had to wait in a LONG ASS line! They separated the lines for men and women so men out numbered women so when I got inside I had to wait for Tim so we missed the first band Saving Abel. I heard a bit of it while we were in the drink line but I didn't mind I was there to hear Buckcherry. So it rocked the house! Now I sit here with the sound of white noise still in my ears and I am tired because I didn't sleep worth a shit because of the white noise in my ears but HELL it was all worth it!!!!! Thank you for all of you the went with me and enjoyed the night! Love all around!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Buckcherry Here We Come!!!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy Monday....
Happy Monday! Happy Birthday my little Blue Genie! Everyone wish Kelly Michelle a very happy birthday!!!! Love you girlie! Tomorrow night is the big event! I can't wait Buckcherry here we come! Should be a good time! I had a relaxing weekend fighting off a cold I took it easy and rested. Halloween night Tim and I and the girls stayed home and watched Horror movies. Then Saturday I did absolutely NOTHING. It felt good to do nothing! Sunday I cleaned the house, did the laundry and then went to the tattoo shop on the motorcycle to have pictures done outside the shop. We had about 13 bikes and all of us riders to take a picture for the web site. It was fun. The pictures are really good I will post them as soon as Timothy Wayne emails them to me. I love this time change it feels like you have an extra hour to sleep! Now I will be hating it this evening because it will feel like work is lasting extra long! LOL Well love all around!!!!
Thought for the day:
YOU can't please everyone so don't let criticism hurt you.
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