Hey all! Had a blast in Sturgis! I came home SICK. Too much fun I wore my body down from not enough sleep, not enough water, and a serious lack of food! All my fault I realize but it seriously sucks coming back and being ill and having to work!!!!!!!!! Well I rode on the back of the bike all the way there!!!!! My ass wasn't too bad! When we arrived in Sundance I got a drink and I was ready to start to party when Lorrie told me they had me signed up for the beer tent. I was stoked every other year I stood around entertaining myself as Tim took pictures of the burn out and wet t shirt contest so I was glad to work. The only problem is Suzie and Burgandy were with me this year and they weren't as excited I would be working. It all turned out though we all ended up working the Beer tent and we all earned awesome tips as well! Holy FUCK was it busy and boy I have never had my picture taken so much as I did that day! Digging to the bottom of those iced buckets of beer and our sexy attire was a hit and got us some big tips those boys just wanted to watch us get the one from the bottom!!! Boy was I wet and my arms stayed froze most of the afternoon! I worked as Suzie and Burgandy got in the wet t shirt contest, they both did well. Suzie took 4th and Burgandy took a money slot at 3rd! Damn good I thought! Then after all the festivities we just all got DRUNK! Thursday we headed into Sturgis boy was it HOT! After drinking all day Wednesday the heat us unbearable for me! We walked around a bit had a couple of drinks and called it good leaving Suzie behind to find a party and go to ZZ Top. We rode back into Sundance just to start partying hard again! We listened to a cool band and enjoyed the rest of the evening. I called it an early night the heat of the day whipped my ASS. Friday we rode the bike into Deadwood we took the scenic Spearfish canyon route and boy was it beautiful. I put about $20.00 in the penny machines and didn't win anything but it sure was fun! Then we headed back to Sundance to party for our last night! Saturday we headed back. I let Suzie ride on the back of the bike 1/2 way which was to Wright while I drove her car. She said her ass couldn't take much more! That is when I knew I am a tough little bitch cause my ass doesn't do so bad riding long distances! When I got home I went straight for the couch and slept 4 hours and then when I awoke on Sunday I was sicker then shit I had to sleep all day long! Today I am feeling a bit better but not 100% and I am hoping I will get my hearing back soon. Well I missed all of you very much! This week is really, really busy with back to school things, Cheerleading bbq's, Tim's birthday and his mothers, and then Saturday we have 2 commitments we have to squeeze in! I am hoping to see you all soon though I promise! Love all around!
Thought for the day:

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