Hey all! I had a great weekend! I hope all of you did as well. I think that my nickname should be just Crazy, because I think at certain times I am just that! Weekend started out great on Friday night went out and had a few drinks with some of our gang and Saturday was dance recital. I appreciate all my wonderful friends that came to my recital to support me in one of my loves..... DANCE. It meant more to me then words can express the support you all showed me. This year I didn't do as well as I usually do I actually messed up a part. I am sure most of you wouldn't of noticed because you don't clog but I did and I am really hard on myself! But I still had a blast performing and I hope you all enjoyed it! Sunday is the day that made me well..... CRAZY! The day started out relaxing the usual sleep in, get the groceries, and do the laundry. Then Tim said let's ride out to the Sunset Grill on the Harley and I was game. We get out there I have one drink we ride back in and I felt like we should go to the Moonlight before heading home because I knew Boobs & Steve would still be there. So I have a few more drinks and who knows how the subject came up about nipple piercing and tattoo's but then the next thing I know I am on the way to the Ink Spot to get my nipple pierced. Yes just one! Even Jack said I don't get it Michelle, you do have two nipples! I know this but I think one is very sexy and that is what I wanted. Your probably wondering if I was nervous? I guess I must of been a bit because Tim said honey why are you so quiet and my response to that is I am always quiet! Ha-ha he was like NO you are NOT! Well I sit down to be pierced and Jack tells me breathing is your friend and I am thinking okay everyone I know that has had this done has told me it hurt like holy fucking HELL and some of them thought they would pass out. So I breath in and breath out when told and I am like Hell this isn't fucking bad at all a little burning sensation and that was about it! Jack told me I was one tough bitch and women usually are tough. I agree with that! Tim was surprised how I didn't even really flinch! I guess I have a very high tolerance for pain. So today how does it feel? Well it is tender and it burned like hell after I bathed and I told Tim don't forget and grab the right tit! I think I might yelp a bit because it is tender. So am I crazy? Maybe a little, not in a crazy crazy sense but more the wild crazy. Everyone I texted that I did it texted back crazy bitch! Made me laugh! I think that is a good reason why I have it permanently marked on my body! Love all around!!!
Thought for the day:
Life is lived once so have a good time at it because there are no second chances!
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