Friday I took off half day to get packed and ready to head for Deadwood. We had quite the arrangement of people to take along but unfortunately they all dropped off like flies! LOL Tim and I were laughing about that on the way up because it seemed everyday another person gave us a reason why they couldn't make it. So as of Friday we were heading to SD with Theresa, Sean, Dan, Dennis and us. Dennis was going to ride with Theresa, Sean and Dennis. Well when they went to pick up ole Dennis he had drank so much all day he was unable to stand up and hell we all can't even take care of ourselves so we certainly aren't going to babysit his ass, so he got left behind! We all hit the road and Theresa and her crew were about 45 minutes behind us because they had to deal with the Dennis fiasco. Tim and I arrived in Deadwood about 8:30 and the whole way up I told him I was really tired from staying out until damn near one the night before and I was gonna call it a early night cause I wanted to be ready for Saturday night at the Saloon 10. We got our room and I freshened up and that cool mountain air I was breathing waiting for our trolley woke me right up, I said OYSTER SHOOTERS! We stopped at the Silverado 1st try to win the fuckin Cadillac for the umteenth time and then bombed out on my wheel of fortune one too! Tim won like 140 on a penny machine there so we called it good and headed for shooters. As we got to the Oyster Bay bar Theresa and crew were headed our way, Tim and I did a couple shooters and this one bartender there I hate hers so we decided to come back at shift change and karaoke was going on and that is something I can only handle drunk! So we all headed down the street and did some gambling here and there and ended up at the saloon 10. It was fuckin packed in there and we knew we weren't gonna do the dancing thing until tomorrow so we headed to a table in another room and met up with Maria and Tony by then. We started ordering double rounds and after midnight we rang in Maria's birthday! After drinking for a while we decided we were all starving none of us had dinner so over to Mustang Sally's we go, drunk laughing and some of us even walking crooked! We all eat and decide to wait for our trolley that doesn't come till 1:15 am. Well most of you know or maybe all of you know Theresa and I when we drink too much tend to do stupid things. I am not sure who's bright idea it was but we decided to press naked body parts to the window of Mustang Sally's. I was on the outside Theresa on the inside and we pressed our titties to the window for everyone to see. I know I know I am an exhibitionist. Theresa went one farther though lol, she did a pressed ham so we had a full moon that night! The trolley finally came and took all of us drunks back to our room so we could do it all over again the next night! Next morning we got up and went down to the restaurant and Tim won a little more money and we had some breakfast before heading into town. Hit my usual slots an sucked at em all! HA not my time this time it seemed and then ended up at the Oyster Bay Bar for more shooters. Theresa and Maria's first time and it was Maria's birthday so we had to break her in right! After makin some purchases from the wall at the Oyster Bay Bar, you all know the wall right? The one with beads with dicks, tits and etc on them? Well we had to make a purchase for Maria's birthday and of course Sean bought 2 necklaces and a jester hat that proved to be fun later lol! Sean bought a necklace with pot leaves on it he said well if I can't smoke it I guess I will wear it! He cracks me up. We all did a bit more gambling and then headed over for lunch as we were eating lunch Michael showed up so we had some more drinks. We were all pacing cause we knew that night would be a PARTY! Tim and I did some shopping for our girls while the rest of them went their separate ways until we had to go save our table for the saloon 10. Tim and I ended up back at our hotel to drop our bags off and of course I wanted to freshen up and then I hit one of the penny slots at the hotel and won 80 bucks not bad I should say. Theresa wanted to freshen up to but hell she was sitting down at Saloon 10 already at around 5:30 hell she really saved our table early! So we headed down and sat at Saloon 10 until the bad started at 9. Wow such a early start are we all going to make it closing it down? hmmmm some of us will. Sean put on his jester hat and lite it up so all his balls were shinning and he headed to gamble, he wasn't gone 2 minutes when he came running back to the table dancing and said he won 462.00 off of 20 dollars! He then hummed the circus tune and danced for us, totally priceless. Early in the day when we were shopping Tim had pointed out a bumper stick that said Why do I need kids I married one to Theresa which she bought and Michael at first thought we were kinda mean, but after that dance he said he totally understood the bumper sticker now. He did say there were signs but they became clear after that lol! The band rocked played some old favorites from the 80's I haven't heard for years and we all danced our ass's off! Maria wore her birthday glasses and her penis necklace and we all drank until there was no way any of us could drink anymore. Theresa, Sean, Tony and Maria left earlier then Tim, I, Michael and Juliet closed the son of bitch down then headed to Sally's where Michael convinced them for 2 more Sally dogs for Tim and him, then it was time to do the drunkin walk back to our hotel. We didn't need no stinkin trolley ha! Next day Tim, Michael and I met for breakfast, Theresa, Seany P, and Dan left to head home and Maria & Tony got to stay another day. I slept most of the way home three nights of heavy partying was more then I could bare. So the trip was fantastic and the ones that couldn't make it, there is next time. So Peeps get to planning the next go around! Love all around! Smooches!
This Blog is solely created for fun and enjoyment. I don't claim to be a good writer or editor for that fact, but hell I love my life and like to write about it! Within this blog you will read about my life and about the joy my beautiful friends & family bring me when they are on a journey with me, so buckle up and let's ride that ride! Life is GOOD. So like I say Live, Laugh and Love!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
So how did I meet Briget.....
I just love telling the stories of how I meet each of my friends. I think most of you I have done in past blogs, but I have aquired a few over the past year. Briget is a new much blessed addition to my group of friends. So how did I meet Briget? LOL well first I have to tell you how we met Charlie her husband. Tim and I ride on Thursday nights with Julian an the crew and one Thursday night we met Charile and on the second meeting Tim and Charlie exchanged numbers. Charlie called on a Saturday and asked Tim if he wanted to ride and he was bringing his girlfriend she was then, so Tim asked me to come. For some reason I was just kinda ummmm crabby that day. We ride over to Charlie's house to pick them up and I am in my usual leathers totally bikered out. Then Briget walks outta the house. She is very thin and fit has on a a harley shirt but very pressed and buttoned all the way up lol, her hair is blonde and perfect and she was adorning some what I call Jackie Kennedy sun glasses for the younger generation her Gwen Stefani sun glasses. I lean up to Tim's ear and say ohhhhhh great and now I have to ride with a fuckin snot! Yes i SAID it and yes Briget totally knows I did. We decide to take off for up the mountain and stop at the cafe up there and see if they have beer. That is a no go and so yes that made me even more fuckin crabby. So Tim and Charlie decide that we should ride to Glenrock and have a drink. We get to the bar at Glenrock and for some odd reason Briget and I started talking about internet porn. I know a snot talking about porn crazy huh? LOL we both got to laughing so hard about the Asian video both of us had seen where the girls eat shit and finger paint eachother up with shit. WE laughed none stop that whole afternoon and since Charlie works in China then we started saying and Charlie we love you long time. So to say the least Briget is no where near a snot and yes I still make fun of her sooooooooooo not biker sunglasses but hey you gotta love those special things about the ones you love! And Briget I love you! Blessings always show up when u least expect it and in my case when I least deserve it. Love all around!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Not Yet.......
Good Morning Peeps. I think I might possibly be still drunk! Well going for a couple drinks when Amy asked me to ummmm drinking till almost 1 am left me a weee bit tired. Damn why do I have to do that is beyond me at the time it seems like such a good idea until I hear my alarm go off at 5:30 am! I was told last night I am a bad influence, hmmmm I like being one.
Ok so if you wonder what my title of not yet means then you haven't been around our Kimmy enough. When Kim gets drunk she makes L's with her fingers using her thumb and forefinger you know like you would do to say LOSER. She does this on either side of her face when you ask her if she is drunk and she says NOT YET. Kim is my quiet, sweet, and laid back friend. She is the girl that sits and watches the rest of us being dumb ass's. She has pulled a few good ones. Like flipping off her front step and landing in her front yard that one is in a past blog, or one of my favorites is when Tim, her, and I were sitting up at the bar and Tim says hey Mona when you get a minute come black over here. Yes he said black instead of back, and no he won't admit it still to this day he might of drunken slurred. So anyway Kim, I and Mona kept making fun of him saying come black over here so when Kim decided to say it one more time she yelled it to Mona really loud and Mona looked at her like with this ut oh face, and then I looked next to Kim and there happened to be a big ole black guy standing right next to Kim. Kim is like MICHELLE why didn't you tell me and I said ummm I didn't notice either until you said it. It was priceless! Another time we all love is Kim's 40th birthday but I am still undecided who was more comical DD or Kimmy. Kim didn't want anyone making a big deal of her birthday she never likes attention on herself unlike me I am an attention HOG haha! So Tim, I, DD, Pam, Mike, JP and I met her down at the Moony for drinks and some gifts. Kim refused to wear her tiara partly because it said 40 and the other part is because she didn't want her hair messed up lol no not really cause again she doesn't want anyone to notice her maybe being foolish! So DD proceeds to take the 4 and the 0 off the tiara to see if Kim would maybe wear it then, but again a no go. So the 4 and 0 became quite the game for DD. She would lick the numbers and put them on her forehead, on her eyes, on her chest, you name it they ended up there. I have a series of pics of DD with the 4 and 0 stuck to herself and I just know if I posted them ummmm she might not love me anymore. So if you see me ask to see hehe! Or better yet when DD turns 40 it will be on her cake and all over the walls at her party! Yeah that sounds like the way to do that! So back to Kim she was quiet and calm like always until Josh showed up. (by the way Josh is the Moonlight Hottie hehe) Josh bought Kim shot after shot and then others joined in buying her shots. Kim hardly ever does shots but that night she was drinking them as fast as she could. When the subject of birthday spankings came up I ran out to my car and grabbed my whip or crop whatever you prefer to call it. Shots made Kimmy eager for birthday spankings she laid over my knee for some and then just finally laid over the table so Josh could spank her. Of course I loved it, Kim never ever does shit like that! So when everyone was done spanking the birthday girl we asked her if she was drunk she held those fingers up and said I am fucked up, and with that Aaron her friend slowly got her to his car and took her home. So next time someone asks you if your're drunk use the universal sign and say NOT YET! Smooches!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Work sucks !!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011
3rd day in on our Sturgis trip......
OMG I went out last night and got home aftet 1 am and I just quite didn't make it to work today. I woke up with the worse migraine ever! ughhhh.
Awwww the 3rd day is one of my favorites! We head to Deadwood and we take the scenic route through the canyon makin lil stops for drinks through out. What a beautiful day! The beauty of South Dakota is just phenomenal. I get to spend all my tip money I made in the beer tent in all my favorite machines. I still haven't won that shittin Cadillac and I try every flippen time we go! LOL I swear I am in Heaven with a drink in one hand a cig in the other sitting in front of a slot machine. Too bad South Dakota squashed some of my Heaven making it NO SMOKING! WTF! Oh well, need to buy a electronic cig what will they do spank me for using that? So Deadwood was fun boy did I get drunk. Drunk? ya me drunk can u guess? Briget, DD, Kelly and I hit the machines and everytime the wheel of fortune game got a spin Briget would stand up and flash the machine and when it wouldn't give her a good spin she would flip the sob off! HAHA! We finally met up with the boys for a bit and then Charlie need it cigars so Briget and I were on a mission funny thing is they said oh it is just a lil bit down the street, ya right it is like ummmm 4 blocks down! Both of us our a lil happy ya that is what we will call it happy, so when we get in the cigar shop we are of course the funniest things in there! LOL We get the man to light me a cigar and pose for pics with us and he was actually so intrigued by us he followed us out the door and up the street hmmmm go away weirdo! Briget and our trip back to the Franklin was the best lol. We pole danced on each pole on the way back (yes got my 3rd huge bruise from that), we went into a bar where no one was dancing and danced all over the dance floor the band even stopped to beckon us back, and then we walked behind the police while Briget proceeded to tell him cops have the nicest ass's, as she was pretending to squeeze his buns from behind. That cop started strutting after that! Of course the bikers on the sides of the sidewalk were cheering our bad behaviour on. Then we went into the Oyster Bay Bar to find Kim and of course when I am drunk I have a habit of walkin into places singing "To the Window to the Wall until the sweat drops down my balls!" Lets just say all my friends knew I had arrived! Did anyone every tell ya not to inhale cigars? Hmmmm someone should of told me that! Holy hell I did that cigar all the way back to the casino until I passed it over to Charlie, I didn't smoke for 3 days after that! Ughhhhh! So after we get back to the casino with the boys we are playing slots next to some Texan Mexicans. Instead of Briget showing her boobies to the machine I told her to say a Spanish term to it instead. Well let's just say the men next to her were lookin at her like oh my did she just say that! She asked one of them what does that mean he says your a lady I am not telling you! So let's just say Briget sometimes thinks I am a lil bitch! haha! All in fun! We got the guys and all made are way down to the best party spot in Deadwood the Saloon 10. We are all feeling pretty good by then and boy the boobies were flying there! hmmmmm not mine either DD were they yours????? After a while there we all had to head back to where we were staying DD, Kelly Tim and I to Sundance, Charlie, Briget, Julian, John, and Albert to Sturgis and ummmm none of us were sober! Yikes..... But the weather all of a sudden turned winter like that sobers your ass up real quick! Damn it was fuckin cold on our way back! We had a few more drinks at Sundance and called it a night, cause next day :( was time to head home.......... Damn I love Sturgis week!!!!!!!! Next year who in the hell is in?????? Love all around! I will bring the quote of the day back soon too and hey maybe the song in my head too! smooches!
Sturgis Day 2.....
WE all did a lot this summer so I am trying to remember all of it and actually think of things to blog about. It has been a while since I have blogged so I am a bit rusty with it. Since I told of our first day's adventures of our Sturgis trip thought I would continue on with the next day. Our second day we decided to head into Sturgis. The HEAT in Sturgis kills me every year... I don't handle being that hot well at all. I am quite the lil bitch when I am hot. We always seem to end up at the Knuckle when we first get into town and same this year meeting up with our boys Julian, John John, & Albert and kick back listen to the band and try to stay a lil cool. Briget and Charlie showed up a little bit after we arrived so we all listened to the band and had some drinks well I didn't have drinks I had WATER. I am HOT and hungover not a good combo I might add. The best part of Sturgis besides seeing all the great bikes is people watching. I think that is one of the best parts. Seeing women that have lil clothes on that are like damnnnn I want to look like that or damnnnn put some fuckin clothes on I value the vision I do have! I have some pretty good pics I will download to show. The most rememberable person I think I saw this year was this HUGE man with a buffalo helmet on! Damn he was tall and I know everyone appears tall to me but he was believe me, Kelly went over to have her picture taken with him and she came up to his belt buckle. I think she might of mentioned to him her height to him was ideal if u know what I mean, but he probably didn't understand her cause I think he was from Germany. LOL. So after hanging out at the knuckle for a bit we started venturing down one of the main streets looking at the same ole same ole shit they have every year and I am sweltering by now and all I want to do is go to the Jack Daniels tent. I buy a Jack Daniels shirt every year and I know they have frozen Jack drinks that will cool my ass off. Thank God they have the Jack Daniels tour it is air conditioned so even though I don't give a shit about the history of Jack Daniels whiskey I am game for the tour so I can be in blissful air conditioning. If I could of I would of spent the rest of the day in there. But hey seeing a life size sculpture of Jack Daniels I must say I am happy to tell you I am taller then he was! He was little! After touring that we headed over to the tent with all the bikes competing in the contest there were some impressive ones this year and of course the ones my eye likes are the gaudy ones lol. Diamond cut chrome seems to turn me on! Then us girls headed to eat and the guys headed to One Eyed Jacks to watch the women dance on the poles. After we ate we headed to One Eyed Jacks and I got to watch a 20 something hit on my husband lol, he was loving that! The only time she peeled her eye away from him is when DD & Kelly had her do a body shot for John John's birthday. She put a shot of Jack on her belly button and then put whip cream around that and a cherry in her mouth. So John loved his birthday shot but I knew the whipped cream had to taste like hell with Jack ewwww. LOL Next year I will get Tim one he seemed very enthralled with miss young thing. As I was sitting at the bar one of the dancers came up to me. Now you all know my hair is black and pretty much white, so this girl says to me so is your hair color natural. I looked at her and I know she read my mind I was thinking are you fuckin serious? I wanted to say ya it is. My mother mated with a skunk! But I was a good girl and said no hun I have it done this way. I guess her brains were all in her fine tits and ass! After several hours of the heat and watching pole dancing we headed back to Sundance. Once we got back to Sundance I finally cooled off and got my second wind. Time to party! Too bad Tim didn't have his second wind at the same time I did lol. So played all our songs on the juke box once again and I danced my ass off and had some lil bitch come start it with me. She says in my ear you think you can dance prove it! I said ya bitch I can dance (well I think I can drunk) let's go! So DD helped me on the bar and I shoke what the hell I have and got some money shoved down my pants and the lil bitch got down! SO ya I think I can dance the lil TWAT! After that I am totally drunk again excuse the hiccup lol so Timothy said we are going :(. So my night ended fairly early but DD and Kelly stayed and had some more fun! The next morning when I woke up I asked Tim why there is dollar bills in our bed he said oh that was from your fuckin pants! Sooooo sometimes my love doesn't quite see the humour in my behaviour! OH Well what can you do! I think his new rule for me is YOU MUST EAT when you drink so fuckin much! So next year I will try to remember that rule. Awww wouldn't life be a bore if I actually followed rules? soooo peeps love all around!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Pants on the ground.....
Hmmmm where to begin. Sturgis this year was a ball! I know when isn't it right? This year we left on Wednesday morning going down with DD and Kelly. The day was beautiful and perfect, remarkable weather. Right when we got there I had to go directly to work my beer tent. Go figure I didn't eat and oh hell yes I started drinking. So ya think I might of done some crazy things? Ya you would be right. So lets see how well I remember events of that evening, this will be a chore lol I was smashed. The party always moves into the bar after the burn out and the wet t-shirt contest is done and the crowds clear to where there is just a nice size party crowd. So DD, Kelly, Burgandy, John, Tim and I are all together partying in the bar and playing all our favorite songs on the juke box like we always do, and of course I think I am a dancing queen dancing all over the bar enjoying the hell outta myself lol. At one point I sit on the bar and I don't remember why I am sitting on the bar. At this point not even sure if I danced on the bar! Ralph a biker buddy of ours walks up unzips my top and sucks right in between my girls. Of course I am drunk laughin my ass off and Tim says hey you two that is enough so then Ralph picks me up so I am straddling him and starts dancing around with me and at one point he throws me back so I am hanging upside down on him. Ya colorful right save a horse ride a biker? So after a while of me riding Ralph he swings me back up right and I wander over to find DD & Kelly and now here is what I was told I said to Kelly.... LOL Now remember I was just upside down dancing or broncoing around the bar with Ralph and at one point I did have my hair pinned up nicely. I get to my Kelly and say "Do I look good?" Now imagine that being said with a nice slow drunkin slur. Of course Kelly being honest said "ummm no, no u don't come here!" Guess I looked pretty scary haha! So she fixes me up and we all proceed to drink and probably me more then the rest. Next thing I remember we are outside sitting on the bench in front of the bar and Kelly is trying to take a romantic picture of John and Joni. The sky is beautiful and they are really into this kiss well the first 3 times maybe they were cause each time Kelly went to take the picture I happen to jump in on the side with my drunkin smile. :) After about the 4th time of her trying to get this oh so romantic pic I think I actually stopped inserting myself or maybe someone had to sit on me lol. Kelly will have to send me the pic so you can all get a good laugh at it. Sometimes I am quite priceless. I know this story is sooooo bits n pieces, remember I am the girl who didn't eat and drank my fill and have to remember and write this shit! However, the next thing I remember is having to go to the bathroom and so I call the girls to all go too, I need back up when this drunk you know. As I walked in the front door my silver tip on my boot got hooked on the door and some guy caught me and helped me up at the same time pouring his drink down the back of my pants which went straight down to my crotch! Ya lovely felt like I pissed my pants but instead of it being a warm feeling it was cold! So at this point we go to the bathroom and I tell them time to go change for me I don't want anyone thinking I pissed myself. Unknown to me this was my walk to the hotel room to stay and no one was letting me return! I guess on my walk of shame to the hotel room I stopped and told a guy off almost getting Tim in a fight and then fell in the alley hitting my knee hard and after recovering from that I guess I decided I wanted my wet pants off in the middle of the street. Now I am telling all of you this by stories I heard because frankly my drunkin ass doesn't remember it clearly. DD sternly told me to put my pants back on and keep em on till we got to my room, did I mind? Apparently not I guess I let them drop to the ground shortly before getting to the hotel room and the girls sang "pants on the ground pants on the ground" and yes a lovely picture is somewhere out there to back up my retardness. Now the rest I really don't remember so forgive me with facts! I changed and came back out thinking they would take me to the bar but noooooo that was a no go so I proceeded to sit on someones motorcycle and no don't remember even who's! I was sitting bitch behind Burgandy and proceeded to do a great ole titty show for pictures. Those pictures will be black mail to me for the rest of my life, maybe I won't mind them when I am 80 but right now I am like HOLY HELL! More interesting then my nudity is the way my eyes go very sleepy and glazed over when I am that hammered. So I guess this night I was the entertainment! Hey Tim still got laid so all was good! Think I heard Dorie was knockin on my door trying to interrupt that one! Like I said never count on a lush to remember all the facts to this story! Next morning I had bruises like you won't even imagine so thank goodness my gf's stayed sober enough to give me a story for each bruise! Sooooo if any of you ever thought you were the only one that has done stupid things while drunk remember me! Love all around! ;) and hey it feels good being back! Rock on.....
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I'm Back.......

I know it seems as far as the blog goes I just dropped off the face of the earth and I suppose in some ways I had. 2010 had some low times and some fun times. I must say I am glad to wish that year farewell and welcome 2011 in and am going to try to make this a great one. Seems as you get older it gets harder to make sense of some things that happen in life or maybe it was when I was younger I simply just didn't notice and care as much. As they say heal the past, live the present and dream the future. Seems like a perfect motto to start the year out. I guess I will certainly have lots of things to blog about we did have one hell of a summer. So each day I will try to remember the great times we had an blog my ass off about em. So I need help from all of my friends, remind me of the times that were your favorites and lets start from there. I must say as I type I realize how truly I have missed doing this. Last night I realized it is time to start living again and doing all the things I love again! So here I am so send me your favorite 2010 time and let's get to blogging! Smooches to all!
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