This Blog is solely created for fun and enjoyment. I don't claim to be a good writer or editor for that fact, but hell I love my life and like to write about it! Within this blog you will read about my life and about the joy my beautiful friends & family bring me when they are on a journey with me, so buckle up and let's ride that ride! Life is GOOD. So like I say Live, Laugh and Love!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Happy Monday!
and curious who it the wolf????
Who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Work ughhhh!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Deadwood Fun!!!!!!!!!
Friday I took off half day to get packed and ready to head for Deadwood. We had quite the arrangement of people to take along but unfortunately they all dropped off like flies! LOL Tim and I were laughing about that on the way up because it seemed everyday another person gave us a reason why they couldn't make it. So as of Friday we were heading to SD with Theresa, Sean, Dan, Dennis and us. Dennis was going to ride with Theresa, Sean and Dennis. Well when they went to pick up ole Dennis he had drank so much all day he was unable to stand up and hell we all can't even take care of ourselves so we certainly aren't going to babysit his ass, so he got left behind! We all hit the road and Theresa and her crew were about 45 minutes behind us because they had to deal with the Dennis fiasco. Tim and I arrived in Deadwood about 8:30 and the whole way up I told him I was really tired from staying out until damn near one the night before and I was gonna call it a early night cause I wanted to be ready for Saturday night at the Saloon 10. We got our room and I freshened up and that cool mountain air I was breathing waiting for our trolley woke me right up, I said OYSTER SHOOTERS! We stopped at the Silverado 1st try to win the fuckin Cadillac for the umteenth time and then bombed out on my wheel of fortune one too! Tim won like 140 on a penny machine there so we called it good and headed for shooters. As we got to the Oyster Bay bar Theresa and crew were headed our way, Tim and I did a couple shooters and this one bartender there I hate hers so we decided to come back at shift change and karaoke was going on and that is something I can only handle drunk! So we all headed down the street and did some gambling here and there and ended up at the saloon 10. It was fuckin packed in there and we knew we weren't gonna do the dancing thing until tomorrow so we headed to a table in another room and met up with Maria and Tony by then. We started ordering double rounds and after midnight we rang in Maria's birthday! After drinking for a while we decided we were all starving none of us had dinner so over to Mustang Sally's we go, drunk laughing and some of us even walking crooked! We all eat and decide to wait for our trolley that doesn't come till 1:15 am. Well most of you know or maybe all of you know Theresa and I when we drink too much tend to do stupid things. I am not sure who's bright idea it was but we decided to press naked body parts to the window of Mustang Sally's. I was on the outside Theresa on the inside and we pressed our titties to the window for everyone to see. I know I know I am an exhibitionist. Theresa went one farther though lol, she did a pressed ham so we had a full moon that night! The trolley finally came and took all of us drunks back to our room so we could do it all over again the next night! Next morning we got up and went down to the restaurant and Tim won a little more money and we had some breakfast before heading into town. Hit my usual slots an sucked at em all! HA not my time this time it seemed and then ended up at the Oyster Bay Bar for more shooters. Theresa and Maria's first time and it was Maria's birthday so we had to break her in right! After makin some purchases from the wall at the Oyster Bay Bar, you all know the wall right? The one with beads with dicks, tits and etc on them? Well we had to make a purchase for Maria's birthday and of course Sean bought 2 necklaces and a jester hat that proved to be fun later lol! Sean bought a necklace with pot leaves on it he said well if I can't smoke it I guess I will wear it! He cracks me up. We all did a bit more gambling and then headed over for lunch as we were eating lunch Michael showed up so we had some more drinks. We were all pacing cause we knew that night would be a PARTY! Tim and I did some shopping for our girls while the rest of them went their separate ways until we had to go save our table for the saloon 10. Tim and I ended up back at our hotel to drop our bags off and of course I wanted to freshen up and then I hit one of the penny slots at the hotel and won 80 bucks not bad I should say. Theresa wanted to freshen up to but hell she was sitting down at Saloon 10 already at around 5:30 hell she really saved our table early! So we headed down and sat at Saloon 10 until the bad started at 9. Wow such a early start are we all going to make it closing it down? hmmmm some of us will. Sean put on his jester hat and lite it up so all his balls were shinning and he headed to gamble, he wasn't gone 2 minutes when he came running back to the table dancing and said he won 462.00 off of 20 dollars! He then hummed the circus tune and danced for us, totally priceless. Early in the day when we were shopping Tim had pointed out a bumper stick that said Why do I need kids I married one to Theresa which she bought and Michael at first thought we were kinda mean, but after that dance he said he totally understood the bumper sticker now. He did say there were signs but they became clear after that lol! The band rocked played some old favorites from the 80's I haven't heard for years and we all danced our ass's off! Maria wore her birthday glasses and her penis necklace and we all drank until there was no way any of us could drink anymore. Theresa, Sean, Tony and Maria left earlier then Tim, I, Michael and Juliet closed the son of bitch down then headed to Sally's where Michael convinced them for 2 more Sally dogs for Tim and him, then it was time to do the drunkin walk back to our hotel. We didn't need no stinkin trolley ha! Next day Tim, Michael and I met for breakfast, Theresa, Seany P, and Dan left to head home and Maria & Tony got to stay another day. I slept most of the way home three nights of heavy partying was more then I could bare. So the trip was fantastic and the ones that couldn't make it, there is next time. So Peeps get to planning the next go around! Love all around! Smooches!
Friday, February 11, 2011
So how did I meet Briget.....
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Not Yet.......
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Work sucks !!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011
3rd day in on our Sturgis trip......
Sturgis Day 2.....
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Pants on the ground.....
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I'm Back.......