I'm not sure if that comment about you don't want to be your kids best friend you are their mother was meant for me, but yes I am my kids best friend and they are not afraid to confide in me and I'm not afraid or ashamed to talk to them. Randi knew about you in the contest from Brooke not me. Theresa
I don't like handling things this way but it seems to be the direction this is going. My blog is my diary of my thoughts, my dreams, and my fun or disappointment and so I guess I will use this outlet to say what I need to say. Just to clear something up this comment was not directed to you. This blog was written before me finding out the events of Saturday night. I was stating that because that is they way I am. When they were wanting to discuss the events of what I had done, I just said to them yes this is why you don't drink too much because you do stupid things as your mother did! I would never tell anyone else how to parent ever it is not my place. I now realize Brooke told Randi of my behavior and I also take full responsibility for my actions and that I now know you're never safe from your kids finding out what you do. I might not however ever tell someone how to parent but with that being said I would never cross a line and disrespect the rules, wishes or beliefs of another parent. I am saying my comment was not directed at anyone just stating the events and how I am with my children.
If a comment on face book was directed at me well then this is how I feel about that.... Hypocrite is a person that says one thing and does another. I am a 40 year old woman that drinks that does not let my 16 & 17 year old drink. If you feel that makes me a hypocrite then I guess I am. But I feel that is a delusional way of looking at the meaning of that word. And as for people in glass houses should not cast stones. Well the way I see that is I am the woman standing in the shattered glass house that the stone was cast at. I am hurt beyond measurement. I feel all people fuck up in life but how you handle it by your actions, words, behavior and how you take responsibility for what you have done is key. If I fuck up with a friend that I love I would be at their door telling them I fucked up, I hope they could find a way in their heart to forgive me and take full responsibility for what I had done. I know we are all human and it is hard not to cast a finger at another. I am not a perfect person. I am hurt yes, but what is worse is my daughter is so hurt she can't even smile and she is feeling guilt for something a child should not feel guilt over.
What has happened has happened. We can not turn back what is done. I do not cast judgment on anyone but I can clearly feel the way I do and that feeling at this point in time is...... My trust has been broken, and my heart is broken. Nothing more nothing less.